KMF High School Scholarship South Africa 2027
The Kay Mason Foundation (KMF) South African Trust is a leading South African educational foundation. The programme was established in 1999 with the main goal of eliminating the barriers of quality education that many young, underprivileged South Africans face. KMF has a number of programmes, specifically created to ensure that scholars receive the necessary support (social, academic, financial, and emotional) that they need to succeed. To date, a large number of students have benefited and changed their lives with the help from KMF.
KMF is inviting students to apply for their high school scholarship programme, for the 2027 school year.
The scholarship is open to students entering High School (Grade 8) in 2027. KMF will ensure that learners are matched with top South African institutions, allowing them to embark on their Grade 8 studies, reach their academic goals, and meet their fullest potential.
The aim of the programme is to aid children from disadvantaged communities to gain the skills and knowledge needed to become the future leaders of South Africa.
- View our other High School Bursaries and Scholarships here.
- View our other Bursaries and Scholarships OPEN for application here.
The scholarship will provide partial cover for the following expenses: school fees, uniform, textbooks, transport, tutoring, school camps and extra-curricular activities. It will also provide the following benefits: support workshops, psychometric testing, career guidance and post graduation support.
The does NOT pay 100% of the costs of a scholar’s education. KMF partners with parents to make a bright future for their children possible.
Applicants must satisfy the following minimum entry criteria before applying (please note that failure to satisfy all the requirements will lead to your application not being considered):
- You must be a South African citizen
- You must be between 10 and 13 years old in 2025
- You must be in Grade 6 in 2025
- You must be entering Grade 8 in 2027
- You must reside within the Western Cape (Cape Town/ Southern Suburbs/ Northern Suburbs/ Helderberg Area/ or traveling distance from the KMF offices in Bellville)
- You must have a combined household gross income of NOT more than R17 500 per month
- You must be able to commute to Bellville on Saturdays to attend classes
- You must demonstrate leadership potential, be hard working, and be committed to your schooling
Applications must be submitted online at: KMF High School Scholarship Application 2027
Enter “” in the field asking how you heard about the KMF High School Scholarship.
Submit clear copies of the following supporting documentation along with your online application (the submission of these documents is compulsory – if any items are missing, your application may be disqualified):
- Learners birth certificate
- Parents or legal guardians ID documents/ death certificate if deceased
- Grade 5 (Term 4) report
- Grade 6 (Term 1) report
- Essay about your family, your living conditions and your community (written by the applicant, in their own handwriting)
- Parents or legal guardians 3 months bank statements
- Parents or legal guardians proof of income:
- If employed: most recent 3 months salary slips, 3 years IRP5’s and copy of employment contract
- If self-employed: 3 years tax returns from the business and 3 years IRP5’s if you take a salary
- If unemployed: affidavit indicating how long and why you are unemployed
- If receiving a SASSA grant: letter from SASSA confirming all SASSA grants received for family members in the home
- If disabled or unable to work: proof of the disability
- If retrenched: retrenchment and UIF letter
- If receiving pension: 3 months pension statements OR 3 months salary slips OR 3 years IRP5’s
- If receiving maintenance: court order as proof under income
Please note the following when applying:
- Ensure that your supporting documents are scanned and uploaded before you complete your application.
- Any missing documents will result in your application being disqualified.
- Each document must be scanned and uploaded separately.
- Please ensure all contact details are correct.
The scholarship timeline will conclude as follows:
- First academic assessments will take place on 7 June 2025.
- Final screening will take place between July and August 2025.
- Second assessment and academic workshop will take place on 20 September 2025.
- Presentations and interviews will take place on 25 October and 1 November 2025.
- Camp will take place between 11 and 13 December 2025.
- Scholarships will be awarded in February 2026.
Once KMF has screened all applications by potential candidates, the candidates will then enter a series of tests to determine if they meet the criteria.
Once testing is complete, successful candidates will then proceed to the next stage and form part of the Selection and Support Programme.
Candidates will then be required to attend classes and assessments every Saturday in Bellville (please note, this does not guarantee that the candidate has received the scholarship award).
In 2026, the scholarship will officially be awarded, whereby the scholars will form part of the Senior Scholar Preparation Programme.
Thereafter, scholars will continue to participate in the Saturday classes. is committed to keeping you up to date with the latest bursary opportunities, and this article covers all details about the KMF High School Scholarship.
A complete financial review will be conducted before the candidate is considered for participation in the Selection and Support Programme.
If you have received communication on the contact details you’ve provided, but miss an assessment/ important meeting, your application will be disqualified.
30 April 2025.
(Applications submitted after this date will not be accepted – please apply before the closing date to ensure your application is considered.)
For any queries related to this scholarship programme, please contact KMF directly:
Contact page:
Please do NOT contact KMF if this bursary has already closed. View our other bursaries open for application here:
This bursary listing was last updated in March 2025.
SA Bursaries wishes you the best of luck with your application! Please remember to SHARE this page with anyone you know who may be in need of bursary funding.