What expenses does a Bursary cover?

When applying for bursary opportunities it is important to know exactly what will be covered by your the funder and what expenses you will need funding for. Read our article to find out which expenses are generally covered by a bursary award.

Preparing for a Bursary Interview

If you have been invited to attend a bursary interview, you are likely looking for questions that are asked during a bursary interview so that you can prepare yourself. SA Bursaries has compiled some tips for bursary interview preparation.

Tips to submitting a bursary application!

Preparing to submit your bursary application? Here are our top tips to better your chances of being funded   Applying for a bursary may seem daunting – so many documents to compile, a lengthy application to complete, and to top it off, a looming deadline. But not to fear, SA Bursaries, South Africa’s largest bursary website is here… Read More »